Hydraulic Technician
Duration: 3 Months Total Fee: 23000 One Time Fee: 22500
Installment Details
13000 10000

Education and practical training are necessary for becoming a hydraulics technician. You will also want to keep up with the latest industry trends. During hydraulic system training, trainees learn basic concepts like physics and energy transmission that are integral to hydraulic systems.

This course, which helps electrical and electronics maintenance specialists improve their mastery of hydraulic system evaluation and operation, can even be used to cross-train them. Besides learning to analyze system specifications and performance requirements, hydraulic systems repair and maintenance specialists are also trained in standard industry practices that ensure your systems always operate safely and effectively.

As part of the self-paced course, students begin with Introduction to Fluid Power. From there, they go on to a series of courses covering fluid mechanics, hydraulic components, hydraulic power system control, and troubleshooting, and pumps. Students who complete the hydraulics training course will have a thorough understanding of fluid power, flow, symbols, and diagrams, in addition to how hydraulic pumps, motors, and peripheral devices function.

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